How to change the profile photo on OK - KO TUBE ?

Open your profile page and click on the camera icon visible on the right corner of the header. Click on “Change profile photo”, where you can upload a new photo or click on the image already in use

How to post import a video on OK - KO TUBE ?

1 - Tap the right camera icon in the header → Import videos.

2 - Post the link to your video. Upload time adjust settings: Details, Video Elements, Visibility.

3 - Once the video is imported, tap Publish.

How to post a video on OK - KO TUBE ?

1 - Tap the right camera icon in the header → Download videos.

2 - Click Select Files and choose the video to upload. Upload time adjust settings: Details, Video Elements, Visibility, Price.

3 - Once the video is imported, tap Publish.

How to change language on OK -KO TUBE ?

1 - Go to the bottom of the page on the left.

1 - Tap Language.

2 - Choose your language language.

How to register on OK - KO TUBE ?

1 - Have a valid email address.

2 - Go to ok-ko-tube.com.

3 - Click on “Create new account”

4 - Complete the registration form providing the following information: Full name, mobile number or email address, new password, date of birth and gender.