Privacy Policy

OK-KO TUBE Privacy Policy

  1. Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly collect personal information from persons under the minimum age required herein. To use our Services, you must be at least 15 years old or the age of majority in your jurisdiction, whichever is older. Individuals under the required age should only use our Services through the account of and with the assistance of a parent or legal guardian. If you are a parent or legal guardian and believe that your child has provided personal information to OK-KO TUBE without your consent, you can ask us to delete this information by contacting us through this email address:

  1. Data collection of You

When you use our services, we and third parties collect information about you. The data gathered may include or reflect your personal identification information, as well as non-personal information. Your information is hereinafter referred to as “your data”.

Account Information

To create an account, you must provide a valid email address and a password. If you choose to register or ascertain using a third-party account (e.g. Facebook or Google), you authorize us to collect account information from the third-party platform.

Financial Information

To make a purchase, you will need to provide a valid payment method (e.g. credit card, phone number, or PayPal account). Your payment details will be collected and processed by our authorized payment providers. We do not directly collect or store credit or debit card numbers ourselves as part of the usual course of processing transactions. If we allow purchases via a third-party platform (e.g. in-app purchases), the payment method stored in that platform will be charged.

Suppose you wish to sell items or earn money by advertising through our Services. In that case, you must provide an account to receive funds and tax information, including your name, address, and tax identification number.

Submission of Content

You can upload and create content such as videos, text, photographs, and images. Your account profile may display information about you and your activities. This information may be viewed by others. Your videos are accessible and can be seen by others, who can also see the associated metadata. You can choose to limit the availability of your profile and videos.

Your interactions during events such as live streams and webinars, or with other users (e.g., comments, mentions "likes", survey responses) may be seen by other people.

Information Collected Automatically

When you use our Services, we automatically collect certain types of data, whether you have an account or not. This data includes your IP address, technical information about your device (e.g. browser type, operating system, basic device information), the web page you visited or the search you entered before joining us, as well as your activities. We may track your activities using cookies and similar technologies. By using our services, you agree to our use of these methods.

Information collected by third parties

When you use our services, certain third parties may collect data about you. This may be data you submitted (such as payment information) or information collected automatically (in the case of third-party analytics providers or advertising partners).

We may also obtain data about you from third parties. This data may be combined with information we have already collected. For example, some advertisers or advertising platforms may allow us to determine what other online services you use to place relevant advertisements there.

  1. How We Use Your Information

We may use your information for the following purposes:

  • Identification and authentification:We use your information to identify you when you access your account.
  • How are services work:we use your data to operate our services, process and fulfill orders, provide customer support, and fulfill our contractual obligations to you. We (or our third-party vendors) use your financial information to process purchases you make and to pay you the amounts you earn.
  • Communicate with us:we use your information when we communicate with you.
  • Improve our services:we use your data to understand how you use our services and how we can improve them. Generally, we analyze aggregated data rather than specific user data. However, we may need to analyze a particular case to resolve a specific problem.
  • Customizing your experience: we use your data to personalize the service you use. This may include remembering your preferences regarding language, volume, or streaming videos you like, based on your viewing choices.
  • Marketing and publicity:We use your data to show you advertisements on third-party sites.
  • Exercise of our rights:where we deem it reasonably necessary, we use your data to exercise our legal rights and prevent misuse of our service. For example, we may use your data to detect and prevent fraud, spam, or content that violates our Terms of Service.
  • Compliance with laws: we use your data when we are legally required to do so. For example, we may collect your data to respond to a subpoena or court order.
  • Protection of our information:if deemed necessary, we may anonymize, save or delete certain information.

To implement the elements presented above, we may use algorithms and other automated means.

when we process your data for any of these reasons, we agree that one or more of the following legal bases apply:

  • Enactment of a contract
  • Legitimate business interest
  • Compliance with a legal obligation, or
  • Consent
  1. Who do we share your data with

We share information with third parties as follows:

  • As per your instructions:We may make your profile and videos available to others based on your instructions for using our services. We may share your data with people to whom you allow account-level access.
  • With your permission:we may share your data with third parties once you have obtained your explicit consent.
  • Authorized suppliers:we may share your data with third-party providers who help us operate our services, process orders, and comply with your instructions and our contractual obligations. These include payment organizations, content delivery networks (CDNs), cloud hosting services, tracking services, email service providers, quality assurance and testing providers, fraud and abuse prevention, customer relationship management (CRM), and shipping companies.
  • Advertisement:we may share your data with advertising agencies to show you relevant adverts and to measure their effectiveness
  • Analyses:we may share your data with analytics providers who help us understand how our customers use our services. We may also share analytics information containing personal data with the organizers of webinars in which you participate or users of your company-administered account.
  • Affiliates and Advisors:we may share your data with our auditors and advisors for planning, financial reporting, accounting, auditing, income reporting, and legal compliance. We may share your data with our affiliates to the extent of providing you with the services you ordered.
  • Some legal situations:we may share your data when we believe disclosure is necessary to comply with a legal obligation or in connection with a business transaction.
  • Aggregated or anonymized information:we may publish aggregated or anonymized information such as the number of visitors or registered users.

We put reasonable efforts into reviewing the privacy and data security practices of our suppliers. We require these providers to agree to protect the data we share.Comptes administrés par l'entreprise

You can create an OK-KO TUBE account using an email address provided or assigned by a company (such as your business email address). If the company establishes a direct relationship with us, it may convert your account to be part of the company's account.

This means that the company can:

  • Access information relating to your account activity;
  • Take control of the account, including any content uploaded before or after the date it converts your account to the Company account; and/or
  • Delete your account.
  1. Legal and Security-Related Disclosures

We may disclose your information to respond to official requests (court orders, subpoenas, search warrants, national security requests, etc.) (“requests”) from government authorities or parties to legal proceedings. We redirect law enforcement agencies to our page.

We process requests from around the world following Cameroonian law. If the request originates from a foreign jurisdiction, we will disclose the information when we believe, in good faith, that the disclosure is authorized by Cameroonian and local law. In any case, we may raise any legal objection or waive any rights granted to us at our sole discretion.

We may disclose user data when we believe, without any doubt, that a person's life is in danger. For example, if we learn that someone is threatening to commit suicide, we may share their information with entities that can help them.

We may disclose user information to report suspected crimes. We report any content suspected of exploiting minors, as well as data used to identify the user who posted this content online.

We may share your information with transaction partners, advisors, and others if a third party partially or entirely acquires our business. Where applicable, we will use proper measures to request the acquiring entity to comply with this Privacy Policy.

  1. Record Retention

We keep your records, as long as you have an account. When you close an account, we delete its content, including its videos. We may retain logs of automatically collected information (for internal analysis and security purposes), your email address, tax information, communications exchanged with you, and your transactional information (audit, tax purposes, and financial). When we no longer have a business reason to keep the data, we delete or anonymize it.

We keep deleted videos on our servers for a short period in case you want to undo the deletion. Once we delete a video, we may not be able to recover it. If you have made a video public, the video or its thumbnail may be discoverable in a search engine's cache for a while. We have no control over search engines. However, we will send a removal request to the major search engines if you request one.

If we receive legal proceedings regarding your account, we will retain your information for as long as we believe, in good faith, that it is necessary to comply with the legal process. Likewise, if we assume that your account has been involved in mischief, we may retain your data to defend or enforce our rights.

Some of our subscription plans permit you to grant others account-level access rights. Persons with such access (“Collaborators”) may be able to see and perhaps modify your records. Collaborator access can be revoked or reduced at any juncture.

  1. Communication from our side


If you create an account, you may receive commercial emails from us, such as newsletters and offers. You can always choose to unsubscribe from commercial messages in your account settings. Please note that it may take several days to process an unsubscribe request and you will continue to receive transactional emails from us (emails confirming transactions or providing information about your account).

Mobile device communication

We may, with your consent, send push notifications in our applications. You can disable them by refusing them or changing the application settings. With your consent, we can send an SMS to your mobile phone for authentication and security purposes. You can unsubscribe from these messages at any time.

  1. Protection of your information

We use physical, technical, and administrative security measures to protect your data against unauthorized or accidental disclosure. Despite these measures, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information 100 percent. Users also have a role to play in securing their records. We suggest you use a unique, hard-to-guess password for your account and not communicate it with others. You should only grant access rights to people you know and trust, and you should exercise caution. You should also monitor your account regularly. If you feel that someone has accessed your account without your authorization, contact us immediately so that verifications can be done.

  1. Your responsabilities

You may receive data from other people using our service. If you receive information from other users, you must treat the information according to your published privacy policy and all applicable laws, including those regarding privacy, data security, and online marketing.

  1. Third-party services

We may provide access to online services we do not own or operate via hyperlinks or integrations. We have no control over the data they collect because these services do not fall under this Privacy Policy. Once on a third-party site, your data may be collected by others.

You may use our service through third-party sites. This Privacy Policy covers just our apps and video players, but not the sites of third-party or third-party video players.

  1. International data transfers and certain user rights

Data localisation

OK-KO TUBE is located in Cameroon. We provide services worldwide using computer systems, servers, and databases from France and other countries. When you use our services from a country other than Cameroon, your information may be transferred and processed in Cameroon. Please note that Cameroon's data and privacy laws may not be as comprehensive as those in your country. Residents of certain countries may be subject to additional protections.

  1. How to get in contact with us

For any questions, requests, or complaints relating, to privacy, contact us using this email address: