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Read Book Online Now<br /><br /><br /><br />Read High Performance Computing: Second International Symposium ISHPC'99 Kyoto Japan May 26-28<br /> <br />Visit and get free shirts. Choose from thousands of tees and hoodies with cheapest price here. Sunfrog has a large selection of shirt styles. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Few countries in the world allow foreign residents voting rights, but by next year foreign permanent residents living in the country could be given the right to vote in local elections.<br /><br />The largest such groups are Chinese and Koreans, whose presence is a legacy of Japan's imperial past, but the plan has its opponents, including nationalists.<br /><br />They fear that by granting suffrage in elections to ethnic Koreans and Chinese, as well as close to half a million other permanent-resident foreigners, Japan will be surrendering its autonomy and culture to outsiders.<br /><br />Al Jazeera's Harry Fawcett reports from Tokyo, the country's capital.<br /><br />Feb 7, 2010
<鉄人28号Tetsujin Nijūhachi-gō><br />The Kobe Tetsujin Project was started to create a giant 18 meter tall Tetsujin 28 in Nada-ward to give strength and hope to the people of Kobe after surviving the 1995 earthquake. Mitsuteru Yokoyama, the artist that created the manga "Tetsujin 28", was born and lived in Kobe. All Japanese, young and old love to visit this monument, play around his feet, and enjoy being in the presence of this historical character. Gao!<br /><br />●横山光輝オフィシャルサイト<br />Mitsuteru Yokoyama official web site<br /><br />●神戸鉄人プロジェクト<br />KOBE鉄人PROJECT <br /><br />●兵庫県神戸市長田区若松公園<br />Wakamatsu park Kita-ku Kobe City, Hyogo Pref<br />● P-Cube<br />