Flauta Curativos Tibetanos | Aumenta La Fuerza Mental | Deshazte De Toda Mala Energía Alrededor
Canal: Inner Lotus Healing
🎵Información de seguimiento:
Compositor: Weightless
Música para relajarse dormir, meditar, estudiar, leer, masajes, spa o dormir. Esta música es perfecta para combatir la ansiedad, el estrés o el insomnio ya que facilita la relajación y nos ayuda a eliminar las malas vibraciones. También puedes utilizar esta música como fondo para clases de meditación guiada o relajación del sueño.
Bienvenidos a un nuevo directo de música relajante en el canal Weightless. Podrán dejar el vídeo a bajo volumen y empezar a realizar cualquier tarea como estudiar, trabajar, leer... o simplemente relajarse o dormir tranquilos.
Si te gustó el directo y quieres más contenido musical relajante no olvides darle me gusta.
relajación y meditación
meditaciones guiadas
relajación del sueño
calmar y controlar la ansiedad
conciliar el sueño y dormir mejor
para estudiar
yoga, reiki, spa...
Música de Weightless
Copyright ⓒ2023 Weightless®. Reservados todos los derechos.
Get Rid Of All Bad Energy Around You - Listen 4 Minutes a Day and Your Life Will Completely Change
Welcome to Inner Peace and Meditation 🌊
🍀 At our"Inner Peace and Meditation" channel, we invite you to embark on a journey towards inner peace and well-being. Dive into our carefully curated collection of soothing music, guided meditations, and mindfulness practices designed to calm the mind, relax the body, and nourish the soul. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, anxiety, or simply looking to unwind after a long day, our channel offers a sanctuary where you can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life.
🍀 Our easy-to-listen content is tailored to create a serene atmosphere, making it perfect for meditation, relaxation, yoga, or simply finding a moment of solace in your busy day.
🔔 If you liked the show and want more relaxing music, don't forget Subscribe:
What can you find on our channel?
- On our channel you can find relaxing music for: sleeping, meditation, yoga, zen, spa, massages, studying and strengthening...
- To improve relaxation and concentration our music has brain waves such as: alpha waves, beta waves, delta waves and theta waves.
- You can also move to other cultures, since we have shamanic music, Indian music, Tibetan music with Tibetan bowls ...
📷 Software Photo Editing : Adobe Photoshop CC
🎬 Software Video Editing : Adobe Premiere Pro CC
🎬 Software Video Editing : Adobe After Effects Pro CC
© All right reserved and published by Inner Peace and Meditation 🎼
Morning Flute Music, Tibetan Flute Music, Mountain Flute - Get Rid Of All Bad Energy Around You
Music to relax, meditate, study, read, massage, spa or sleep. This music is perfect for combating anxiety, stress or insomnia as it facilitates relaxation and helps us eliminate bad vibrations. They can also use this music as a background for guided meditation classes or relaxations to sleep.
Welcome to a new direct of relaxing music on the channel of Inner Healing Music. They can leave the video at a low volume and start doing any task such as studying, working, reading... or simply relaxing or sleeping soundly.
If you liked the live and want more relaxing music content, don't forget to like it.
Relaxation and Meditation.
Guided Meditations.
Relaxations to sleep.
Calm and control anxiety.
Fall asleep and sleep better.
Yoga sessions, reiki, spa, massages...
Do chores.
#DeepSleep #relaxingmusic #meditation
@Copyright: No copying or posting of all or part of that first video/sound (Envato)
For contact and submit music: @innerrelaxationhealingmusic
What can you find on our channel?
- On our channel you can find relaxing music for: sleeping, meditation, yoga, zen, spa, massages, studying and strengthening...
To improve relaxation and concentration our music has brain waves such as: alpha waves, beta waves, delta waves and theta waves.
You can also move to other cultures, since we have shamanic music, Indian music, Chinese music, Tibetan music with Tibetan bowls,...
Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with new posts.
To improve relaxation and concentration Our music has brain waves such as: alpha waves, beta waves, delta waves and Theta waves.
You can also move to other cultures, since we have shamanic music, Indian music, Chinese music, Tibetan music with Tibetan bowls, ...
Do not forget to subscribe to be up to date with new publications.
► All rights belong to their respective owners.
✔ This video received a special license directly from artists and rights holders. ""
Get Rid Of All Bad Energy Around You - Listen 5 Minutes a Day and Your Life Will Completely Change
Música para relajarse, meditar, estudiar, leer, masajear, spa o dormir. Esta música es perfecta para combatir la ansiedad, el estrés o el insomnio ya que facilita la relajación y nos ayuda a eliminar las malas vibraciones. También pueden usar esta música como fondo para clases de meditación guiada o relajaciones para dormir.
Bienvenidos a un nuevo directo de musica relajante en el canal de Inner Healing Music. Pueden dejar el vídeo a bajo volumen y empezar a realizar cualquier tarea como estudiar, trabajar, leer... o simplemente relajarse o dormir plácidamente.
Si te gustó el directo y quieres más contenido de música relajante, no olvides darle me gusta.
Relajación y Meditación.
Meditaciones guiadas.
Relajaciones para dormir.
Calma y controla la ansiedad.
Duérmete y duerme mejor.
Sesiones de yoga, reiki, spa, masajes...
Hacer los quehaceres.
#sueñoprofundo #musicarelajante #meditacion
¿Qué puedes encontrar en nuestro canal?
- En nuestro canal podrás encontrar música relajante para: dormir, meditación, yoga, zen, spa, masajes, estudio y fortalecimiento...
Para mejorar la relajación y la concentración nuestra música cuenta con ondas cerebrales como: ondas alfa, ondas beta, ondas delta y ondas theta.
También puedes trasladarte a otras culturas, ya que tenemos música chamánica, música india, música china, música tibetana con cuencos tibetanos,…
No olvides suscribirte para estar al tanto de las nuevas publicaciones.
Para mejorar la relajación y la concentración Nuestra música tiene ondas cerebrales como: ondas alfa, ondas beta, ondas delta y ondas Theta.
También puedes trasladarte a otras culturas, ya que tenemos música chamánica, música india, música china, música tibetana con cuencos tibetanos,…
No olvides suscribirte para estar al día de nuevas publicaciones.
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Une méditation guidée pour soigner les blessures physiques et psychiques, éliminer les énergies négatives, se purifier, nettoyer et renforcer l'aura.
Yoga, Sophrologie, hypnose et yoga nidra pour la voix et le texte. Musique composée à partir d'un accordage en 432 Hz.
La musique en 432Hz aux sonorités plus douces, plus chaudes et plus claires, permet de :
- développer un sentiment de bien-être
- réduire le stress et l’anxiété
- se connecter à son intuition
- développer sa créativité
- se libérer des blocages et élever ses vibrations
#visualisation #guerison #meditationguidee
Les techniques proposées dans cette méditation sont une approche complémentaire. Si vous êtes atteint d'une maladie, qu'elle soit grave ou pas, ce que je vous propose ici ne peut se substituer a votre traitement médical et au suivi de votre médecin.
J'ai découvert la méditation au début des années 80. Sa pratique me fut si bénéfique que je suis allé vivre dans un ashram pendant deux ans, j'y ai étudié le yoga (kundalini yoga) la méditation, la relaxation, le yoga nidra, la sophrologie, les massages, le développement personnel. J'ai pratiqué et enseigné le yoga pendant 10 ans. Puis la vie m'a conduit vers la pratique de l'Aikido (12 ans) et de la méditation zen. Passionnés de musique planante, d'ambient music, de musique zen, de musique du monde, de musicothérapie et de sonothérapie, avec mon compère Natobi, nous avons fondé le duo Natobi & Wa kan, composé et produit de nombreux disques, pour (Origins, Terra humana, EMI, Warner music).
Abonnez vous pour recevoir de nouvelles vidéos chaque semaine.
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Playlist Méditations de guérisons et nettoyage énergétique
Playlist Méditations pour dormir - Méditations du soir - Hypnose du sommeil
Playlists Méditations du matin - Énergies positives - Sérénité
Playlist Méditations de Pleine conscience – Silence intérieur – Relaxation
Playlist Méditations pour lâcher prise – Méditations anti anxiété – Anti Stress
Playlist Affirmations positives
Paroles et musique / Natobi & Wa kan : Tous droits réservés
Get Rid Of All Bad Energy Around You: Tibetan Healing Flute, Let Go Of Mental Blockages
Music to relax, meditate, study, read, massage, spa or sleep. This music is perfect for combating anxiety, stress or insomnia as it facilitates relaxation and helps us eliminate bad vibrations. They can also use this music as a background for guided meditation classes or relaxations to sleep.
Welcome to a new direct of relaxing music on the channel of Inner Healing Music. They can leave the video at a low volume and start doing any task such as studying, working, reading... or simply relaxing or sleeping soundly.
If you liked the live and want more relaxing music content, don't forget to like it.
Relaxation and Meditation.
Guided Meditations.
Relaxations to sleep.
Calm and control anxiety.
Fall asleep and sleep better.
Yoga sessions, reiki, spa, massages...
Do chores.
#DeepSleep #relaxingmusic #meditation
@Copyright: No copying or posting of all or part of that first video/sound (Envato)
For contact and submit music: @innerrelaxationhealingmusic
What can you find on our channel?
- On our channel you can find relaxing music for: sleeping, meditation, yoga, zen, spa, massages, studying and strengthening...
To improve relaxation and concentration our music has brain waves such as: alpha waves, beta waves, delta waves and theta waves.
You can also move to other cultures, since we have shamanic music, Indian music, Chinese music, Tibetan music with Tibetan bowls,...
Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with new posts.
To improve relaxation and concentration Our music has brain waves such as: alpha waves, beta waves, delta waves and Theta waves.
You can also move to other cultures, since we have shamanic music, Indian music, Chinese music, Tibetan music with Tibetan bowls, ...
Do not forget to subscribe to be up to date with new publications.
► All rights belong to their respective owners.
✔ This video received a special license directly from artists and rights holders. ""
Get Rid Of All Bad Energy - Tibetan Flute Meditation, Calm The Mind And Stress in 5 Minutes
Music to relax, meditate, study, read, massage, spa or sleep. This music is perfect for combating anxiety, stress or insomnia as it facilitates relaxation and helps us eliminate bad vibrations. They can also use this music as a background for guided meditation classes or relaxations to sleep.
Welcome to a new direct of relaxing music on the channel of Inner Healing Music. They can leave the video at a low volume and start doing any task such as studying, working, reading... or simply relaxing or sleeping soundly.
If you liked the live and want more relaxing music content, don't forget to like it.
Relaxation and Meditation.
Guided Meditations.
Relaxations to sleep.
Calm and control anxiety.
Fall asleep and sleep better.
Yoga sessions, reiki, spa, massages...
Do chores.
#DeepSleep #relaxingmusic #meditation
@Copyright: No copying or posting of all or part of that first video/sound (Envato)
For contact and submit music: @innerrelaxationhealingmusic
What can you find on our channel?
- On our channel you can find relaxing music for: sleeping, meditation, yoga, zen, spa, massages, studying and strengthening...
To improve relaxation and concentration our music has brain waves such as: alpha waves, beta waves, delta waves and theta waves.
You can also move to other cultures, since we have shamanic music, Indian music, Chinese music, Tibetan music with Tibetan bowls,...
Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with new posts.
To improve relaxation and concentration Our music has brain waves such as: alpha waves, beta waves, delta waves and Theta waves.
You can also move to other cultures, since we have shamanic music, Indian music, Chinese music, Tibetan music with Tibetan bowls, ...
Do not forget to subscribe to be up to date with new publications.
► All rights belong to their respective owners.
✔ This video received a special license directly from artists and rights holders. ""
Get Rid Of All Bad Energy Around You - Listen 5 Minutes a Day and Your Life Will Completely Change
Welcome to Inner Peace and Meditation 🌊
🍀 At our"Inner Peace and Meditation" channel, we invite you to embark on a journey towards inner peace and well-being. Dive into our carefully curated collection of soothing music, guided meditations, and mindfulness practices designed to calm the mind, relax the body, and nourish the soul. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, anxiety, or simply looking to unwind after a long day, our channel offers a sanctuary where you can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life.
🍀 Our easy-to-listen content is tailored to create a serene atmosphere, making it perfect for meditation, relaxation, yoga, or simply finding a moment of solace in your busy day.
🔔 If you liked the show and want more relaxing music, don't forget Subscribe:
What can you find on our channel?
- On our channel you can find relaxing music for: sleeping, meditation, yoga, zen, spa, massages, studying and strengthening...
- To improve relaxation and concentration our music has brain waves such as: alpha waves, beta waves, delta waves and theta waves.
- You can also move to other cultures, since we have shamanic music, Indian music, Tibetan music with Tibetan bowls ...
📷 Software Photo Editing : Adobe Photoshop CC
🎬 Software Video Editing : Adobe Premiere Pro CC
🎬 Software Video Editing : Adobe After Effects Pro CC
© All right reserved and published by Inner Peace and Meditation 🎼
Débarrasez- vous de toutes les mauvaise énergies qui vous entourent- Écoutez 5 minutes par jour et votre vie sera complètement changée.
Musique pour se détendre, méditer, étudier, lire, masser, faire du spa ou dormir. Cette musique est parfaite pour lutter contre l'anxiété, le stress ou l'insomnie car elle facilite la relaxation et nous aide à éliminer les mauvaises vibrations. Vous pouvez également utiliser cette musique comme fond pour les cours de méditation guidée ou vous relaxer pour mieux dormir.
#sommeil #musique #meditation
Get Rid Of All Bad Energy Around You - Listen 5 Minutes a Day and Your Life Will Completely Change
Music to relax, meditate, study, read, massage, spa or sleep. This music is perfect for combating anxiety, stress or insomnia as it facilitates relaxation and helps us eliminate bad vibrations. They can also use this music as a background for guided meditation classes or relaxations to sleep.
Welcome to a new direct of relaxing music on the channel of Inner Healing Music. They can leave the video at a low volume and start doing any task such as studying, working, reading... or simply relaxing or sleeping soundly.
If you liked the live and want more relaxing music content, don't forget to like it.
Relaxation and Meditation.
Guided Meditations.
Relaxations to sleep.
Calm and control anxiety.
Fall asleep and sleep better.
Yoga sessions, reiki, spa, massages...
Do chores.
#DeepSleep #relaxingmusic #meditation
@Copyright: No copying or posting of all or part of that first video/sound (Envato)
For contact and submit music: @innerrelaxationhealingmusic
What can you find on our channel?
- On our channel you can find relaxing music for: sleeping, meditation, yoga, zen, spa, massages, studying and strengthening...
To improve relaxation and concentration our music has brain waves such as: alpha waves, beta waves, delta waves and theta waves.
You can also move to other cultures, since we have shamanic music, Indian music, Chinese music, Tibetan music with Tibetan bowls,...
Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with new posts.
To improve relaxation and concentration Our music has brain waves such as: alpha waves, beta waves, delta waves and Theta waves.
You can also move to other cultures, since we have shamanic music, Indian music, Chinese music, Tibetan music with Tibetan bowls, ...
Do not forget to subscribe to be up to date with new publications.
► All rights belong to their respective owners.
✔ This video received a special license directly from artists and rights holders. ""
How strong are you really? Find your inner champion with these warrior quotes to help you rise above and tackle anything that life throws your way!
🙌Warriors put themselves on the line for what they believe in. No matter how tough the battle is, the warrior never give-ups. He learns to endure until he overcomes all the adversities facing him.
💓Great Warrior Motivational Quotes, For more motivation or inspiration, visit my channel. Stay strong and never quit.
🔔Enjoy and Subscribe - clear your mind and support us🔔
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🔔 Subscribe to Daily Motivation to see the world's most powerful quotes and proverbs! New video
Note: Videos quotes and proverbs featured in our creations are used with permission from the original owners. If you've got a Motivational video you want to see featured in our next compilation, please send us your video! More details are in the "About" section of our channel
Music in this video: YouTube by Audio Library
Learn more:
Song: Epic Motivational Euphoric (Only Instrumental)
Licensed to YouTube by Audio Library,
#inspirational #warriorquotes #unstoppable #lifechanging #beautifulquotes #strongquotes #mindovermater #nevergiveup #determination #instamotivation #motivationmonday #lifemotivation #lifestyle #inspirationalquotes #quote #inspire #motivational #healthylifestyle #fun #trendingquotes #funquotes #unbeatblemind
These Are The Top 5 Rules From The Knights Code Of Chivalry To Make You INDESTRUCTIBLE!
Medieval Knights were always strong, courageous, generous, noble and loyal. The Knight's Code of Chivalry was a moral and social system which expressed that all knights should be able to protect others, whilst also being fair and courteous. All knights needed to have the skills and strength to be able to fight in the battles during the Middle Ages. These attributes still ring true today in regard to how modern men should act and conduct themselves.
If you enjoy the content please like, comment and subscribe. We work incredibly hard to provide meaningful videos, so it really means a lot!
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Warrior Mentality -
Viking Philosophy -
Spartan Rules -
We want to help empower you and stimulate your mind, to give you the confidence to be the best version of yourself!
© Our videos use voice over from a real voice (not AI or TTS) and as a result our audio and videos are copyrighted. The quotations are not our property and we use them under the YouTube fair use policy.
#knight #code #inspiration #motivation #chivalry #inspire #motivate #lifechanging #power
This one is focused on epic mindset and cosmic consciousness. The goal is to refocus yourself upward and inspire the superior you. It's based on a transcendental perspective and solar-Olympian ethos.
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© Aug 31, 2019 Alpha Affirmations
Materials copyrighted; quotes must properly credit Alpha Affirmations.
I know the black, but keep to the white.
Virtue and integrity are my priorities.
In all things, I seek clarity.
I move constantly in the path of virtue without erring a step,
and return again to the infinite.
My mind is resplendent, clean as a spotless mirror.
I am superior to the temporal.
I am superb, and supreme.
I act with compassion.
I embody restraint and self-command.
I am unbiased, unselfish, and dispassionate.
I am tolerant and merciful.
I open the floodgates of the good.
I am full; I am flourishing; I am thriving.
I stop and enter silence. I am fully present.
I am unified. I feel all life. I feel the aliveness of now.
I rise to Olympian consciousness.
I see the perfection of all that is.
I am at my zenith. I am open, clear, and light.
I am perfect symmetry. I am golden.
Order, beauty, and light surround me,
like the glory of countless suns blazing together.
I am a constellation in midheaven.
I know the glorious. I have lived among the fields of silver fire.
I have walked the paths of immortality.
I have heard the trumpet’s blast.
Infinite universes exploding across aeons.
Holographic cycles rhythmically reflecting from perfection.
The eternal victory song echoes from the valley to the peaks.
Bright summits and open skies.
I live the song of luminous triumph.
The pattern of the stars moves in me.
I breathe diamonds into the galaxy.
Supernovas pulse in my heart.
200 billion suns blaze symmetrically.
Our glory is one. One life, one energy,
humming the harmony of the spheres.
I am one in infinity. I clear my eyes.
I release myself. I soar among the aether.
I am white light.
All is perfect as it is. I accept all that is.
All bonds are now dissolved. All is now forgiven.
All is now made perfect, clean, and pure.
I am clear, I am renewed.
Each moment is a new universe.
I am pure existence in this moment.
I see the perfection of all that is.
I look around and see light everywhere.
I feel the light is alive.
A luminous stellar explosion a billion light years away
quietly expands as I am rising.
#olympianethos #solarolympian
NINJUTSU: The Art of the Ninja. Greatest Warrior Quotes EVER! These are the greatest quotes and lessons from the masters of Ninjutsu, an art of strategy and tactics used by the Ninjas.
Welcome to the new Motiversity Quotes channel. Subscribe for new videos every week featuring the greatest thinkers and warriors of all time.
“The first priority to the ninja is to win without fighting” - Masaaki Hatsumi
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Marcus “Elevation” Taylor
Marcus is a sought after Transformational and Motivational speaker, pastor, film maker, singer and musician. He is also the CEO and creative director of Unlock Elevation, a forward-thinking transformational ecosystem that educates and empowers people from all over the world to unlock their future. Marcus is a lyrical architect on a mission to help millions build a bridge from dreams to reality through the gift and power of language.
Follow Marcus:
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FREE 10 Day Challenge by Marcus Taylor:
Booking Link:
Ninjutsu is a set of strategy and tactics practiced by the Ninjas. The ninja used this art to ensure survival in times of hardship. Ninjutsu involved practicing techniques of escape, disguise and concealment.
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►Video footage: All video footage used is either licensed through either CC-BY or from various stock footage websites. All creative commons footage is listed at the end of the video and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0.
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#motiversity #ninja #motivation
The ENTIRE History of Europe - 4k Documentary
Ancient Europe (7000 B.C.-500 A.D.)
The Middle Ages (500-1500 A.D.)
Modern Europe (1500-present)
This is Europe, a continent where empires rose and fell.
In the beginning though, Europe was a forgettable landmass on a lush planet.
As the Homo Sapiens moved from Africa, Europe witnessed remarkable progress.
Soon the continent would see legendary battles, genius philosophers, immortal architecture, powerful monarchies, and world domination.
But how did the early settlements become the greatest civilizations humanity has ever seen?
For all enquiries -
Welcome to our first-time watching 300 (2006). This awesome historical fantasy film was directed by Zack Snyder. Gerard Butler who plays Leonidas was so entertaining to watch! Didn't know this movie had other big names like Michael Fassbender. A pleasant surprise!
Zack Snyder brought a very unique style that was honestly visually stunning! Some of these frames looked like they could be paintings. The action sequences and the battles are breathtaking at times. It's safe to say we enjoyed a lot of the cinematography.
This film recounts the legendary Battle of Thermopylae, where 300 Spartan warriors, led by King Leonidas (Gerard Butler), face off against the massive Persian army. The film explores the themes of courage and sacrifice, that combined with the aesthetic and incredible action it's no wonder why this film' left a mark on cinematic storytelling.
300 also had some really good score by Tyler Bates to accompany both the awesome and the more emotional sequences in the movie.
We hope you enjoy our reactions, commentary and discussions as we immerse ourselves in the storytelling that this fantastic film has to offer. We'll delve into the elements that make this film standout to us.
If you'd like to support the channel and gain access to the full length reaction become a member of our patreon
Watch our reactions early:
Inside Sparta: The Secrets of a Nation of Perfect Warriors
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🌟 Love exploring history with us on Odyssey of Humanity? Be sure to check out our other channel, Time Relics! Dive into more fascinating historical stories, rare curiosities, and epic tales from the past. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and enjoy the journey through time with us! 👉 @timerelicss
00:00 – Intro
Music credits:
Darkest Child de Kevin MacLeod é licenciada de acordo com a licença Atribuição 4.0 da Creative Commons.
Dark Times de Kevin MacLeod é licenciada de acordo com a licença Atribuição 4.0 da Creative Commons.
Dragon and Toast de Kevin MacLeod é licenciada de acordo com a licença Atribuição 4.0 da Creative Commons.
Lost Frontier de Kevin MacLeod é licenciada de acordo com a licença Atribuição 4.0 da Creative Commons.
This is is a longer and mellower version of the Alpha Male Affirmations track ( It's essentially positive brainwashing to counteract all the negative brainwashing we're flooded with on a daily basis. The focus is on an epic mindset, chivalric values, and gentlemanly ethos. LISTEN WITH HEADPHONES.
Listen during the day, or with sleep headphones for the first 1-2 hours of sleep. The first hour after waking up in the morning is also a receptive time. The MINIMUM time you'll need to set a habitual mind pattern is 21 days. Fully reprogramming the subconscious will take closer to 6 months of every day consistency, listening to the same thing (1-2 times per day) until it becomes a part of you. After the first few weeks you can taper back to 3 days per week, but stay as consistent as an athlete.
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Script in Closed Captions.
© Apr 9, 2020 Alpha Affirmations
Materials copyrighted; quotes must properly credit Alpha Affirmations.
WARRIOR: Live with Glory - Greatest Warrior Quotes Ever! This is the epic mix of Life Changing Warrior Quotes. Motivational speech and explanation by Marcus "Elevation" Taylor and Jarrett Raymond.
Welcome to the new Motiversity Quotes channel. Subscribe for new videos every week featuring the greatest thinkers and warriors of all time.
Let us know in the comments below what you would like to see in our next video!
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Marcus “Elevation” Taylor
Marcus is a sought after Transformational and Motivational speaker, pastor, film maker, singer and musician. He is also the CEO and creative director of Unlock Elevation, a forward-thinking transformational ecosystem that educates and empowers people from all over the world to unlock their future. Marcus is a lyrical architect on a mission to help millions build a bridge from dreams to reality through the gift and power of language.
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FREE 10 Day Challenge by Marcus Taylor:
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Jarrett Raymond
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►Video footage: All video footage used is either licensed through either CC-BY or from various stock footage websites. All creative commons footage is listed at the end of the video and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0.
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#motiversity #warriors #motivation
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John Ernstein, Matthew Lloyd, Eaton Asher, Gulraj S Bains, R Gill, Ivan Mashkov, Marcos Welker, Johnathan Castaneda, ServaniX, MorgueTV, Loren Robinson, Shilpa Reddy, Martin Schmid, Petra Otten, Louis Hodges, Tempest_101, Adil Karrak, Matt Alexander, Andrew W, Mindgate17, Dan Ozanick, Emil Ihsan-Alexander Torabi, Raphael Bauer, Alex Malitsky, Scott Timpanelli, Laila Organics, Ashley Munsamy, Tawanda Kanyangarara, Motivational Movement, Martin Stevens, Elaina, Derek Ragan
I AM THE BEAST | Best Gym Motivational Video 2019 - Bodybuilding Compilation 2 Hour Long
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